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Attestation Search Results

Search parameterLemma ID = 129260
Search results: 31–38 of 38 sentences with occurrences (incl. reading variants).

Rto. 28,1 Nš[n]-⸢jb⸣ sꜥšꜣ ⸢j⸣y(.t)

(But) the one with raging heart, who multiplies the harm (of the enemies?).

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)
Hail to you, bull, lord of the following, with fearful striking power among his enemies, excellent child, who multiplies the manifestations, ba/ram, who is in the two lands and at the banks, copulating one, complete one, lord of the ornament, who impregnates the women/cows, the lord of the appearance, with sweet attraction, whose sight is more favoured than that of any god, unique god, another saying: sovereign, who took possession of the two lands and the two banks (Egypt), for whom the kindred tremble with bowed head, the son of Geb, beloved one of the gods, the sunlight, deputy of Re, [who comes at] his time without being detained.

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: #1, >> #2 <<)
Hail to you, bull, lord of the following, with fearful striking power among his enemies, excellent child, who multiplies the manifestations, ba/ram, who is in the two lands and at the banks, copulating one, complete one, lord of the ornament, who impregnates the women/cows, the lord of the appearance, with sweet attraction, whose sight is more favoured than that of any god, unique god, another saying: sovereign, who took possession of the two lands and the two banks (Egypt), for whom the kindred tremble with bowed head, the son of Geb, beloved one of the gods, the sunlight, deputy of Re, [who comes at] his time without being detained.

In Kraft zu setzen während der heiligen Nacht, während der leidvollen Nacht, während jener Nacht des Umzuges (Gehens), während jener Nacht des Sich Entfernens, während jener Nacht des Invokationsopfers, während jener Nacht des Verbringens der Nacht allein, während jener Nacht der großen Vermehrung, während jener Nacht des (Festes des) Erdaufhackens 〈unter〉 Tränen, während jener Nacht der Einsamkeit, während jener Nacht der Klagen, während jener Nacht des (Festes des) Erdaufhackens.

Rede des Chnum Esna 2, Nr. 15.14 sꜥš(ꜣ) =j hy.PL =k m tꜣ [r]-rʾ-ꜥ ḏ.t

"Ich lasse deine Untertanen auf der Erde zahlreich sein bis in Ewigkeit.

[und lass] ihren Nachwuchs [zahlreich sein] als alle ihre Künstler!

Oh Jahr der Hunderttausend! Mögest du die Jahre der Hathor, der Herrin von Jwn.t, zu Hunderttausenden vervielfältigen, indem sie dauerhaft ist wie der Falke auf der Palastfassade.

Il a augmenté son blé et les récoltes en leur temps(?),