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Attestation Search Results
[Ich(?)] war einer, der dem Weg folgte (d.h. loyal war),
der nicht übertrat [die Anweisung des Palastes (?)],
ein Mann mit der Stärke seines Kas,
im [alltäglichen Tagesbedarf] für die Ewigkeit.
A.3 jr.j-pꜥ.t ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ ḫtm.w-bj.tj smr-wꜥ.tj jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb-wḥm.t-šw(.t)-nšm.t jm.j-rʾ-šnw.tj jm.j-rʾ-zš.DU zꜣb ꜥḏ-mr-z(my).t.PL-⸮⸢nb(.t)⸣? ḥr.j [___] m-⸮ḫnt? tꜣ-___ mḥ-jb-nswt m spꜣ.t.PL rsj.t.PL mḥ šnꜥ.PL nṯr.PL A.4 sḏfꜣ ḫꜣw.t.PL sꜥḥ.PL ḫrp ꜥq.PL ḥꜣb.yt jmꜣm-⸮ꜥ? m rʾ-pr.PL nṯr.PL Šmꜥ.w (Tꜣ)-mḥ.w ḥr.j-tp snb nswt r nḥḥ jrr mꜣ.w n(.j) r(m)ṯ.PL pꜣ.t mnmn.t.PL A.5 nb.t ḏḏ ḥbs.PL wḏ ꜥq.PL n smd.t jm.j.t pr-nswt ḏḏ wr.PL ḥr ṯjꜣ.w.PL =sn wpp mr.t sꜥḥ.PL A.6 dd ẖr.t zbi̯.t n jy.t mr.y nb =f mꜣꜥ ḥz.y =f n(.j)-s.t-jb =f jrr ḥzz.t =f nb.t m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jmꜣḫ(.w) (j)m(.j)-rʾ-pr Jni̯-jt=f msi̯.n Zꜣ.t-Jmn mꜣꜥ-ḫrw ḏd =f
Hereditary noble and local prince,
seal-bearer and sole friend (of the king),
overseer of horns, hooves, feathers and scales,
overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the two ponds,
senior administrator of all(?) the deserts,
master of ...?... in the Land of ...?...,
a trusted one of the king in the southern districts,
one who fills the magazines of the gods, one who endows the altars of dignitaries,
who provides the loaves of the festive offerings,
one charming in the temples of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt,
supervisor of the health of the king for eternity,
one who carries out inspection of the people, offering bread(?) and all cattle,
who gives clothes and assigns provisions to the personnel of (lit. who are in) the royal palace,
who places the great ones to (lit. "upon") their jubilation,
who divides the underlings and (i.e. "from") the dignitaries,
who gives a part of that which passed to that which comes,
one truly beloved of his lord, his praised and trusted one,
who does what he praises in the course of every day,
the dignified chamberlain Antef, born of Satamun, justified, he says:
en His true and trusted servant, who does everything that he praises in the course of every day, one dignified, possessor of dignity, the assistant seal-bearer Mery, born of Menkhut, says:
en May he receive things on the great altar in the course of every day.
bꜣk =sn mꜣꜥ mrr =sn ḥzi̯.y =sn jrr ḥzz.t =sn nb.t m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jmꜣḫ nb jmꜣḫ.t A.5 rḫ-nswt (j)r(.j)-pꜥ(.t) ḥꜣ.t(j)-ꜥ ḫtm.t(j)-bj.t(j) sm(ḥ)r-wꜥ.t(j) (j)m(.j)-r(ʾ)-mšꜥ N.j-sw-Mnṯw ḥr(.j)-tp sms.w-hꜣy.t tkn(.w) s.t ⸮mtj? m pr-nswt A.6 ꜥꜣ sḫr m jpꜣ nswt jwi̯ n =f wr.PL m ksw ḥꜣ.t(j)-ꜥ.PL m ḏi̯.y ḥr ẖ.t
en Their true servant, their beloved and praised by them, who does what they praise in the course of every day, king's confident, hereditary noble and count, seal-bearer of the king of Lower Egypt, the sole friend, commander of the army Ny-su-Mnthu, chief elder of the portal, one whose place was near, the regulator of the palace, great of plans in the royal office, one to whom the great ones come bowing, and counts lay (themselves) on their bellies.
One dignified, beloved of his lord, one who does what he praises in the course of every day,
one who followed the way of a king's subject, of whom his lord knows that his counsel is good,
one sincere concerning every speech, the chamberlain Dedusobek; he says:
en I was a courtier beloved of his lord, one who did what his goddess praised in the course of every day,
en Then his Majesty questioned me, in order to assess (my) character of every day.
en His true and trusted servant, who does everything that he praises in the course of every day, the steward Amenemhat, justified, born of Hekeni, justified, who says:
{{⸢j⸣}} ḥꜣ.tj.PL-ꜥ sḥḏ.PL-ḥm.PL-nṯr jm.j.PL-ḫnt ḏd =ṯn ḫꜣ tʾ ḥ(n)q.t kꜣ(.PL) ꜣpd(.PL) šs(.PL) mnḫ.t(.PL) ab hier in Kolumnen innerhalb der Zeile angeordnet r rʾ-pr n Rꜥ Ḫnt.j-jmn.t Wp-wꜣ.t.PL Šw Tfn.t Ḏḥw.tj H̱nm.w Zkr Ḥmn 8 Gb Nw.t Mnw Jni̯-ḥr.t Jmn Ptḥ Ḫm.y Ḥr.w rs.j Ḥr.w mḥ.tj Wng.yt Psḏ.t.PL Nj.t Ḥq.t Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w Jnp(.w) Ꜣs.t Nb.t-ḥw.t Zby.t Ende der Kolumnenstruktur innerhalb der Zeile n kꜣ n(.j) ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.PL-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ jm.j-ḫnt-ꜥꜣ-m-ꜣbḏw 9 ḫnt(.j) jꜣw.t.PL m ḥw.t-nṯr nfr mẖr.w.PL m pr nb =f jwn wꜥ sbꜣ(.w) sšm.w mꜣꜥ zft m 10 ḥw.t-nṯr m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jm.j-rʾ-ḥm〈.PL〉-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ
O counts, inspectors of the priests, chamberlains, may you say:
a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and fowl, alabaster and linen
for the temple of Re, Khentamenti, Wepwawet, Shu, Tefnut, Thot, Khnum, Sokar, Hemen, Geb, Nut, Min, Onuris, Amun, Ptah, Khemy, Southern and Northern Horus, Wengyt, the Ennead, Neith, Heket, Hathor, Anubis, Isis, Nephthys and Sebyt,
to the ka of the count and overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa, great chamberlain in Abydos, foremost of offices in the temple, perfect in affairs in the house of his lord, sole pillar, teacher of righteous conduct, who slaughters in the temple in the course of every day, overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa.
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