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Suchergebnis: 11–20 von 22 Sätzen mit Belegen (inkl. Lesevarianten).

Der Gott Ha

Der Gott Ha a9 Ḥꜣ nb-jmn.t(j)t

Ha, der Herr des Westens:

NN, Ha rettete ihn.

“[Greetings to you, Osiris] this first (born) son of Geb, [21,4] [...] the great elder one of (his) father, great one of the five gods who came forth from Nut, Ha, the great one ⸢who is in⸣ [...].” [... first royal herald], royal scribe ⸢Kheruef⸣, justified, he says:

"Einführender(?) des Ha(?)"* ist der Name meines rechten Fußes.

[Der Arm des Ha nämlich] wird {ihr} 〈sein〉 Bier geben.

Der Tempel des Ha, der im 'Westen' (3. unterägyptischer Gau) ist, er hat seine Mutter erhoben, um zu sehen, was er vollbracht hatte.

(Eine von 2 Lesevarianten dieses Satzes: >> #1 <<, #2)
If you come from the West, the western gods repel you, Ha the great, the lord of the West, Sopdu, the lord of the East in the two mounds, Horus of the East, the great one, the lord of justification, foremost of the temple of the falcons/Atarbechis (in the 4th Upper Egyptian nome).

(Eine von 2 Lesevarianten dieses Satzes: #1, >> #2 <<)
If you come from the West, the western gods repel you, Ha the great, the lord of the West, Sopdu, the lord of the East in the two mounds, Horus of the East, the great one, the lord of justification, foremost of the temple of the falcons/Atarbechis (in the 4th Upper Egyptian nome).

Ha is the one who cut off your tongue.

"Wenn du von Westen her kommst, werfen dich die Götter des Westens nieder, Neith, Wadjit, Sachmet, Bastet, Anubis, Reschef der große Gott (und) Ha der Herr des Westens, sie erfüllen ihre Bestimmung an dir!"