جار تحميل الجمل...

(نحن نجتهد من أجل تحسين أداء هذه الصفحة.)

نتائج البحث عن الشواهد

معايير البحثمعرف مادة معجمية = 74680
نتائج البحث: 1–10 مِن 42 جمل مع شواهد (شاملة القراءات المختلفة).

Zerstörung 5 mj mḫrw =sn n =(j)

... wie ihre Fürsorge für mich.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Z5 mj mḫrw =sn n ḫ[_] zerstört

wie ihre Führsorge für...
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Mein Ansehen wird bei dem Mann bleiben, der mir gemäß meinem Bedürfnis Dienst getan hat.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

... ... priests] who lived in [this] temple [before me ... ... ...], because god praised me, as he [...] the provisions [... ... ...
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Then she appointed me in Dendera, in the great cow barn of her mother - great of documents, foremost of provisions, the greatest administrative unit of Upper Egypt.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

one who counts the herds of Upper Egypt, who gives meals to the dignitaries, who makes the provisions of the ka-chapels,

rḏi̯.n =j tꜣ pn ḥr mẖr J+I, x+6 ca. 3Q zerstört

Ich stellte dieses Land (d.h. Ägypten) über [meine(?) (eigenen)] Bedürfnis[se ---].

It was because of my loyalty that My Lord sent me on a mission to lead for him the work on (his) place of eternity, of greater renown than Rosetau, superior in offerings to any (other) place, an excellent district of gods.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

whose heart conducts his affairs,
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

I was a silent one among the officials,
one of whom it was said: "await his arrival!",
whose heart conducted his affairs,
who was sent on account his being efficient in the heart (of the king),
whom the king honoured in front of the Two Lands,
his trusted one at the fore of his subjects,
a truly rightful one to (lit. in the presence of) people,
an official who untied what was knotted,
one beloved of the gods of Thinis.