lost 4 n(.j) nbw t~r~ꜣ.⸢PL⸣ ꜥꜣ.PL m ⸢pꜣ⸣ [___] jp.t-s.t.PL ⸮sšm(.w)-ḫw.⸢PL⸣? ca. 3 quarters of the col. lost
sšm.w-ḫw.w: I tentatively read sšmw-ḫw here on the basis of the full writing given in the later columns, although only the barque sign is written here (with traces of a second). The writings of this determinative later in the text show the barques on raised stands (cols. 19–21). Kitchen’s copy indicates some variation in the forms of the barques, perhaps corresponding to variation in the depictions accompanying Text 2, registers III–IV.
The word sšm-ḫw is first attested on Block 284 of the Red Chapel of Hatshepsut (sšm-šps-ḫw). Wilson (Wilson, Penelope 1997. A Ptolemaic lexikon: a lexicographical study of the texts in the temple of Edfu. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 78. Leuven: Peeters, 928) suggests that the term, especially when determined with a barque as in the examples here, refers to the cult image as a god with shrine; see also Wb. IV, 291.6–16, and Nelson 1942. Among the texts in my corpus, the word also occurs in line 1 of the left half of the base of the statue of Amenmose (Frood 2007, 185). There and here I translate barque although the more inclusive meaning of sšm-ḫw should probably be understood.
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(Vollzitation)Elizabeth Frood, unter Mitarbeit von Peter Dils, Daniel A. Werning, Token ID ICMDCWW81QpCyERMm10lSQXzW1c <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Korpus-Ausgabe 19, Web-App-Version 2.2.0, 5.11.2024, hrsg. von Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning im Auftrag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)(Kurzzitation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)
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