جار تحميل الجمل...

(نحن نجتهد من أجل تحسين أداء هذه الصفحة.)

نتائج البحث عن الشواهد

معايير البحثمعرف مادة معجمية = 86570
نتائج البحث: 41–50 مِن 836 جمل مع شواهد (شاملة القراءات المختلفة).

[Ich(?)] war einer, der dem Weg folgte (d.h. loyal war),
der nicht übertrat [die Anweisung des Palastes (?)],
ein Mann mit der Stärke seines Kas,
im [alltäglichen Tagesbedarf] für die Ewigkeit.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

(واحدة من 2 قراءات مختلفة لهذه الجملة: >> #1 <<، #2)
priest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard
- Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods,
one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut,
one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum,
a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods,
one who seized the two lands in triumph,
to whom was given the inheritance of eternity,
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -,
his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

(واحدة من 2 قراءات مختلفة لهذه الجملة: #1، >> #2 <<)
priest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard
- Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods,
one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut,
one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum,
a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods,
one who seized the two lands in triumph,
to whom was given the inheritance of eternity,
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -,
his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

n ḫmt zerstört Zx+9 nḥḥ kꜣt =s mj jrt rtï n sḫꜣ =f ḫt r ḏt wꜣ[ḥ] zerstört Zx+10 pr šw mj kkw tp-ꜥ tkꜣ

Nicht gedacht war sie für die Ewigkeit, (denn) ihre Bauarbeit war wie das, was ein Fremder macht, einer, nicht denkt er an Dinge für die Ewigkeit, die bleiben, (so daß) ausgeht das Licht wie die Finsternis vor der Fackel.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

(Wie) ich baute für ihn eine Kapelle aus Stein, sein Fußboden aus Stein, (so) baute ich (auch) für ihn die Halle in Arbeit der Unendlichkeit, die umgeben war von Sykomoren.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Wer gedeien läßt, was verfallen war, wer entstehen läßt, was es nicht (mehr) gab, wer Mehr (er)bringt als das, was er vorfand, nicht wird sein Name entfernt von seinem Besitz, und er (der Name) wird auch nicht zerstört auf dem, was er gemacht hat bis zur Ewigkeit und Ewigkeit.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Hereditary noble and local prince,
seal-bearer and sole friend (of the king),
overseer of horns, hooves, feathers and scales,
overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the two ponds,
senior administrator of all(?) the deserts,
master of ...?... in the Land of ...?...,
a trusted one of the king in the southern districts,
one who fills the magazines of the gods, one who endows the altars of dignitaries,
who provides the loaves of the festive offerings,
one charming in the temples of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt,
supervisor of the health of the king for eternity,
one who carries out inspection of the people, offering bread(?) and all cattle,
who gives clothes and assigns provisions to the personnel of (lit. who are in) the royal palace,
who places the great ones to (lit. "upon") their jubilation,
who divides the underlings and (i.e. "from") the dignitaries,
who gives a part of that which passed to that which comes,
one truly beloved of his lord, his praised and trusted one,
who does what he praises in the course of every day,
the dignified chamberlain Antef, born of Satamun, justified, he says:
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

It was because of my loyalty that My Lord sent me on a mission to lead for him the work on (his) place of eternity, of greater renown than Rosetau, superior in offerings to any (other) place, an excellent district of gods.
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

may they give him eternity as king, so that he may sit on the thrones of Horus, truly, truly, as I w]ish!
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):

Fortsetzung auf der W-Wand

Fortsetzung auf der W-Wand 21 ca. 8Q n.t nḥḥ ca 8Q, verschwundener Flickstein

[... ... ...] of eternity [... ... ...].
التأريخ (الإطار الزمني):