enHereditary noble and local prince, seal-bearer of the king and sole friend (of the king), true overseer of priests of Wepwawet, Lord of Siut, Djefaihapi, says:
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
enHowever, as for any man, any scribe, any knower of things, any small man, any poor man who shall enter this tomb, who shall see what is in it, who shall protect its writings, who shall honour its statues and who shall say: "An offering which the king gives, a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and birds, a thousand of alabaster vessels and pieces of cloth, a thousand of offerings, a thousand of meals a thousand of every good and pure thing for the ka of the lord of this tomb, local prince, Djefaihapi," he shall become an old man of his city, one revered of his nome,
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
(Eine von2Lesevarianten dieses Satzes:
>> #1 <<, #2)
enpriest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard - Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods, one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut, one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum, a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods, one who seized the two lands in triumph, to whom was given the inheritance of eternity, Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -, his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
(Eine von2Lesevarianten dieses Satzes:
#1, >> #2 <<)
enpriest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard - Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods, one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut, one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum, a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods, one who seized the two lands in triumph, to whom was given the inheritance of eternity, Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -, his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
enThe priest of the Great of Powers - the great god, lord of the crown (of Upper Egypt), the guardian of the rams/Bas (?) of the gods, to whom comes that which is and that which is not, the heir of Geb, his beloved, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Wenennefer, justified -, his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
enone who clothes the god in his clothes, one who anoints Maat in Siut, priest of Isis and Seshat (?), overseer of the commissions of god's offerings, overseer of works, who knows his duty, one who subdued the enemies of Osiris in the presence Horus who is upon the throne of his father, the count, overseer of priests, Djefaihapi.
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
(Eine von2Lesevarianten dieses Satzes:
>> #1 <<, #2)
enI am a member of the council - lying is my abomination -, a righteous one who has no favourite, lord of the council hall, who hears excellence, namely, what is beneficial for his city, the count Djefaihapi, born of [Id]y-[aat].
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
(Eine von2Lesevarianten dieses Satzes:
#1, >> #2 <<)
enI am a member of the council - lying is my abomination -, a righteous one who has no favourite, lord of the council hall, who hears excellence, namely, what is beneficial for his city, the count Djefaihapi, born of [Id]y-[aat].
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
enthe leader of the temples of the Red and White crowns, the overseer of the temple of Upper Egypt, the privy counsellor of the words of god and of the possessions of the god, who sees the beauty of his lord, the subcommander of the priests of Wepwawet, the overseer of the royal administration, the count, overseer of priests, Djefaihapi, lord of provision.
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils;
unter Mitarbeit von: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Lutz Popko, Daniel A. Werning
(Textdatensatz erstellt: vor Juni 2015 (1992–2015),
letzte Änderung: 14.10.2024)
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