Welcome to the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae

Immerse yourself in a wealth of Egyptian texts.

Slips from the Zettelarchiv
Slips from the Zettelarchiv
New (February 2025): Object/text hierarchy trees, TLA newsletter.
New (November 2024): Text corpus version 19, enumeration of lemma spellings in the corpus, website in Arabic.

In the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (TLA), you’ll find a wide variety of writings, from terse labels to extensive narratives, produced by Egyptian scribes and recorded on the walls of temples and tombs, on stelae, papyrus, and ostraca, on tomb equipment, tools, vessels, and instruments.

Explore the earliest religious texts of humankind, read ancient letters, tales, netherworld texts, or an early state treaty, try to comprehend ancient mathematics, astronomy and magical practices, find out about treatments undertaken by Egyptian physicians.

The Egyptian-Coptic language is the human language with the longest documented lifetime, spanning more than 4,000 years from the invention of the hieroglyphic script around 3,000 BCE up to its extinction at around 1,400 CE. Its vocabulary reflects the knowledge and worldviews of one of the formative cultures of the ancient world.

The TLA provides the worldwide largest electronic corpus of lemmatized Egyptian texts transliterated from hieroglyphic, hieratic, and Demotic records, with Coptic as a planned addition in the near future. The TLA offers two core tools for searching the Ancient Egyptian text world and its vocabulary, the text corpus and the lemma lists.