Fries über den Pfeilern (L)(Object ID NKOJJSQPLJFGPHAEI3BF3ZQB3E)

Persistent URL:

Data type: Object part

Object type: Tempelgrab

  • Finding place

    • Asasif-Nord
      Certainty: certainty
      Is the original place of use: Yes

Current location

Dating: 26. Dynastie

Owner: Privatperson


  • E. Graefe, Das Grab des Padihorresnet, Obervermögensverwalter der Gottesgemahlin des Amun (Thebanisches Grab Nr. 196), 2 Bde., MonAeg IX, 2003, I, 83, II, 42-44 (Schlüsselpläne S11-S13), 107 (Textabb. 34)

Author(s): Doris Topmann
Data file created: 06/07/2020, latest revision: 08/12/2020

Please cite as:

(Full citation)
Doris Topmann, "Fries über den Pfeilern (L)" (Object ID NKOJJSQPLJFGPHAEI3BF3ZQB3E) <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 19, Web app version 2.2.0, 11/5/2024, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)
(Short citation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)