Statue of Wenennefer, high priest of Osiris (Louvre A.66)(Objekt-ID F7EA3ALCR5EXFE4SUP7OYQZA6I)

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Datentyp: Objekt

Objekttyp: Statue / Figur

Material: Diorit

Maße (H×B(×T)): 186 × 57 × 32 cm

Kommentar zur Materialität

  • Material: diorite (Vandier, Manuel III, 672; Vandersleyen, Das alte Ägypten, 254; Chadefaud, Les statue porte-enseignes, 100).
  • Condition: Excellent condition, apart from the loss of the tops of the plumes and some minor damage to the uraei on the Adydos standard. There is also some chipping to the base.

  • Fundort

    • Abydos
      Gewissheit: probable
      Kommentar zu diesem Ort: Based on internal evidence (symbol of the nome of Abydos on the standard; Wenennefer was high priest of Osiris in Abydos and conducted the festival ceremonies in Ra-peqer). According to Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes, 100, n. (b): “Bon nombre d’autres documents proviennent de ce site, où se déroula la carrière de ce grand-prêtre.” (compare pp. 113-114 and 117-118 for a similar statue of Wenennefer, found in Greece and now in Athens N.106, and a statue of Mery, father of Wenennefer, now in Cairo). Mariette (Abydos II, 36, no. 218) thinks that the statue might have come from the “petit temple de l’ouest” (PM V, 70–71: Central Section, Small Temple = TopBib 502-020-010), because this was the main area of the excavation activities of the European consuls/antiquites dealers around 1820 and perhaps also because a stela of Wenennefer (now Cairo CG 34505) was found there by him. A cult memorial chapel for the Wenennefer and Minmose family was discovered in the west of the Middle Cemetery of Abydos at the site called G 100 (PM V, 74 = TopBib 502-020-040; Raedler 2017, 222). Although Mariette’s suggestion of provenance remains speculative, it is more probable that such a statue of the scale stood in a temple and not in a tomb or memorial chapel (compare H. Satzinger, Der heilige Stab als Kraftquelle des Königs. Versuch einer Funktionsbestimmung der ägyptischen Stabträger-Statuen, in: Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien 77, 1981, 9–43 (here: 11–12, 14–15, 28); Raedler 2004, 362, n. 376 considers the provenance suggested by Mariette as „wahrscheinlich“).

Aktueller Ort

  • Musée du Louvre
    Inventarnummer(n): A.66
    Ist an diesem Ort: Ja
    Kommentar zu diesem Ort:
    Already in the Louvre at the time of Champollion, 1827.

Kommentar zur Datierung:

  • Based on the cartouches. On the basis of other monuments belonging to Wennenefer, it is likely he held office between years 14 and 50 of Ramesses II (Raedler 2017, 220).


  • Standing column statue with standard (statue porte-enseignes). The standing figure of Wenennefer emerges frontally from a rectangular pillar of stone. He holds the Abydos standard in his left hand, the handle of which terminates at the bottom edge of the kilt. The fetish, next to Wenennefer’s head, is topped by three uraei in a pyramidal arrangement and double plumes. The tops of the plumes of the standard would have extended above the top of the pillar, but are now broken away. The pillar extends above the priest’s head, framing it in stone. On the left side of the block around the head is a figure of the king with an arm raised toward the Abydos standard. Wenennefer wears a double layer wig without detail. The wig does not come forward on the shoulders. His eyebrows and eyes are incised and the face is rounded and flat. He wears a schematic $šbjw$ around his throat and a panther skin across his left shoulder. The panther’s head rests just above the navel and the left paw fades into the body. The priest wears a long, flared kilt, tied at the waist with loop, a complex knot, and a sash which drops from the waistband. The sash is inscribed with three small panther heads and schematised animal pelts, below which are geometric panels with cartouches of Ramesses II. Wenennefer’s right hand is placed palm down on the front of his kilt; the fingernails are not depicted. On the right wrist is a raised cylinder-shaped bracelet. The left hand lies in a parallel position to the right, palm down, and outstretched around the pole of the Abydos standard. A flat band of text covers the front of Wenennefer’s ankles. Beneath this his nail-less toes are visible. The sides of his ankles and feet are schematically rendered on the sides of the block. He stands on a small high base. The main text is arranged in four columns on the back pillar of the statue.

Besitzer: Privatperson

Kommentar zum kulturellen Kontext

  • Cultural context: commemorative (temple?)


  • – P. Pierret, Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du Musée Égyptien du Louvre (pt. 1) (Études égyptologiques 2), Paris 1874, 3-7 [H,Ü,K]
  • – A. Vigneau, Le Musée du Louvre : l'Égypte, la Mésopotamie (Encyclopédie photographique de l'art 1), Paris 1935, No. 95 B [P]
  • – Cl. Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten (Propyläen-Kunstgeschichte 15), Berlin 1975, 254–255 and fig. 206.b [*P, front view]
  • – KRI III, 452, 4–453, 5 [H]
  • – DZA 50.076.030 until DZA 50.076.040 [H]
  • – Berlin squeeze no. 961 (from Lepsius)
  • – E. Frood, Biographical texts from Ramessid Egypt (Writings from the Ancient World 26), Leiden/Boston MA 2007, 97-99 and frontispiece (fig. 1) (no. 14A) [Ü,K,P]
  • – PM V, 99 [B]
  • – Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X, Paris 1827, 66–67 (no. 50) [K]
  • – E. de Rougé, Notice des Monuments exposés dans la galerie d’antiquités égyptiennes, Paris 1849, 18–19 (no. [A] 63) [K]
  • – E. de Rougé, Notice des Monuments exposés dans la galerie d’antiquités égyptiennes, 3e édition, Paris 1872, 36 (no. [A] 66) [K]
  • – E. de Rougé, Notice sommaire des monuments égyptiens exposés dans les galeries du Musée du Louvre. Nouvelle édition, Paris 1876, 41 (no. A 66) [K]
  • – A. Mariette, Abydos. Description des fouilles, II, Paris 1880, 36 (no. 218) [K]
  • – G. Legrain, Recherches généalogiques, in: Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes 31, 1909, 210-211 (Doc. 5) [K, genealogical Information in H].
  • – Ch. Boreux, Département des Antiquités égyptiennes. Guide-catalogue Sommaire, vol. I, Paris 1932, 54–55 (no. A 66) [K]
  • – H. Kees, Das Priestertum im ägyptischen Staat vom neuen Reich bis zur Spätzeit, PÄ 1, Leiden/Köln 1953, 148–151 [K, on genealogy]
  • – S. Sauneron, Le "Chancelier du dieu" (R8-S19) dans son double rôle d'embaumeur et de prêtre d'Abydos, in: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 51, 1952, 137–171 (here: 162-164) [H,Ü,K of column 2 of the back pillar]
  • – Ph. Derchain, La couronne de la justification, in: CdE 30/60, juillet 1955, 225–287 (here: 235–236) [Ü, paraphrase of col. 2–4 of the back pillar]
  • – G. Loukianoff, Une statue-caryatide d’Unnefer, in: Archaiologikè Ephèmeris 100, vol. III, 1937 (published 1956), 767–775 (here: 769 and 774, fig. 5) [P, K on the genealogy] (
  • – J. Vandier, Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne. III: Les grandes époques. La statuaire, Paris 1958, 474 n. 2 and 8; 534 n. 8, 672, pl. CLXVIII.6 [P, front view only]
  • – R. Anthes, Die Berichte des Neferhotep und des Ichernofret über das Osirisfest in Abydos, in: Anonymous (ed.), Festschrift zum 150 jährigen Bestehen des Berliner Ägyptischen Museums, Berlin 1974, 41-43 [U,Ü,K for col. 2-3 of the back pillar]
  • – C. Chadefaud, Les statues porte-enseignes de l'Égypte ancienne (1580-1085 avant J.C.): signification et insertion dans le culte du Ka royal, Paris 1982, 100-101 (cat. no. PE E.1) [K]
  • – H. Satzinger, Der heilige Stab als Kraftquelle des Königs. Versuch einer Funktionsbestimmung der ägyptischen Stabträger-Statuen, in: Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien 77, 1981, 9–43 (here: 28 and 38, doc. C.28) [K]
  • – Chr. Barbotin & E. David, L’ABCdaire de Ramsès II, 1997, 65 [P]
  • – K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside inscriptions, translated & annotated: translations, volume III. Ramesses II, his contemporaries, Oxford 2000, 322-323 [Ü]
  • – J. Assmann, M. Bommas and A. Kucharek, Altägyptische Totenliturgien. Band 2: Totenliturgien und Totensprüche in Grabinschriften des Neuen Reiches. Supplemente zu den Schriften der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 17, Heidelberg 2005, 448 [U,Ü for col. 4 of the back pillar]
  • – Chr. Raedler, Die Wesire Ramses‘ II. – Netzwerke der Macht, in: R. Gundlach and A. Klug (ed.), Das ägyptische Königtum im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innen– und Aussenpolitik im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 1), Wiesbaden 2004, 362 (no. Q_5.22) [B]
  • – Chr. Raedler: Creating Authority. The High Priest of Osiris Wenennefer and a special Deification of Ramesses II, in: T.A. Bács and H. Beinlich (Hrsg.): Constructing Authority: Prestige, Reputation and the Perception of Power in Egyptian Kingship, Budapest, May 12–14, 2016, Wiesbaden 2017, 215–240 (here: 230–231) [partial translation of the back pillar, Ü,K]
  • – L. Coulon, Religion de l’Égypte ancienne, in: Annuaire de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études. Résumés des conférences et travaux 124, 2015-2016, 59-80 ( (here § 15) [Ü of col. 2-4 of the back pillar]
  • – Louvre online database: (10.11.2020) [P, but front only]
  • (10.11.2020) [P, but front only]
  • (10.11.2020) [9 photos, none from the back]


  • – Elizabeth Frood, Transcription, translation, metadata, notes (data entered by P. Dils), 09.11.2020
  • – Peter Dils, Lemmatisation and grammatical encoding according to the transcription and translation by Frood; hieroglyphic encoding, 12.11.2020

Autor:innen: Elizabeth Frood; unter Mitarbeit von: Peter Dils
Datensatz erstellt: 10.11.2020, letzte Revision: 16.07.2024

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Elizabeth Frood, unter Mitarbeit von Peter Dils, "Statue of Wenennefer, high priest of Osiris (Louvre A.66)" (Objekt-ID F7EA3ALCR5EXFE4SUP7OYQZA6I) <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Korpus-Ausgabe 19, Web-App-Version 2.2.0, 5.11.2024, hrsg. von Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning im Auftrag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)
(Kurzzitation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)